Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Plaths Suicide: Considering Lazarus

Plaths Suicide: Considering Lazarus Born on October 27, 1932, in Boston, Sylvia Plath mainly wrote confessional poetry. Plaths life was marked by periods of severe depression and multiple suicide attempts. The death of her father and betrayal of her husband forced her into a state of paranoia and motivated her to write poems about her sufferings. In the poem, Lady Lazarus, Plath employs the character of Lady Lazarus to echo the poets self as a way of expressing her mania towards death and suicide. The character of Lady Lazarus attempts to commit suicide every decade. However, each time Herr Doctor revives her and portrays her like the biblical Lazarus and a walking miracle. Through out the poem Lady Lazarus struggles to regain control over her proclaimed art of dying and becomes stronger as the poem progresses. Plath uses figurative language, most specifically allusions to both the bible and to the holocaust, as well as metaphors of her mental illness and instability to illustrate her growing obsession with death and f oreshadow her third attempt at suicide. Ever since her first attempt at suicide in 1953, Plath has displayed a â€Å"long standing† interest in the biblical story of Lazarus. In this poem, Plath uses allusion to the biblical story of Johns Lazarus of Bethany to juxtapose the character of Lady Lazarus with the biblical Lazarus and character of Herr Doktor with Jesus. In the story of Lazarus of Bethany, Jesus astonishingly raises Lazarus from the dead. Similarly, Lady Lazarus is revived by Herr Doktor from each subsequent suicide attempt. However, when Jesus raised Lazarus from dead, not only was it to advertise Gods power but it was also beneficial to both Lazarus and the spectators who were given hope of immortal life. In contrast, when Herr Doktor revives Lady Lazarus he is interfering with Lady Lazaruss proclaimed art of dying. Herr Doktor is actually establishing dominance over her which she must fight to regain control over her life. He is creating power struggle between them which leads to Lady Lazaruss obsessi on with death and suicide. As Theresa Collins points out, Lady Lazarus can be interpreted as a struggle for control [. . .] a dominion prevented by her torturer, Herr Doktor. In addition, Herr Doktor revives Lady Lazarus in front of a crowd and portrays her as â€Å"A sort of walking miracle†¦Ã¢â‚¬  because similar to Jesus he is longing for admiration and acknowledgement from the people whom Plath refers to as â€Å"The peanut-crunching crowd.† Plath uses irony throughout the poem but her most obvious irony is in her proclaimed art of dying. Plath mentions, â€Å"Dying Is an art, like everything else, I do it exceptionally well.† This quote is ironic because even though Plath brags about being talented at committing suicide she always survives. Every ten years she attempts to commit suicide but each time she is revived by the doctors. Plath is thwarted on each attempt by her torturer, Herr Doktor. It is ironic to see that Plath actually does not want to die on her first time because she states that â€Å"I am only thirty. And like the cat I have nine times to die†. On one hand Plath is struggling to regain control over her art and on the other hand she accepts the fact that she will not be able to regain control until her ninth suicide attempt and has actually stopped trying. Plath feels that she is only living to entertain the crowd by miraculously surviving each time. 1 para about the tone of the poem. 3 paras about holocaust 3 paras about life mental disorder and reference Geopolitics of Food | Article Analysis Geopolitics of Food | Article Analysis Hans Goder In a world, which constantly needs more and more food and facing also some ecologic issues, a change in our way of producing and managing the outputs is needed to face the future challenges (population of 2050). As it is a global challenge, it is the role of the international bodies such as the WTO or the FAO to find and implement those changes. But the question is, are those bodies still have the means to response to this challenge. 2. Primary Sources This academic article written by Bezuneh, Mesfin, Yiheyis and Zelealem for the University of Atlanta, published in the Journal of Economic Development in 2014and supported by many other studies related to the same subject, try to see if trades liberalization has a positive effect on the food security in developing country. As 98% of the undernourished persons of the world are in the developing countries where the average of undernourished is around 15% (FAO, 2014), the present article wants to understand the possible correlation (which can be either positive or negative) between food security in countries which are opening their trades (through regulations and agreements) and introducing themselves in the global market. According to this article, food security is not just the amount of food present in the country. It is reach when the population at all-time have the physical, economic and social access to sufficient, nontoxic and nutritious nutriment which encounters their dietary needs for a healthy and proper life (Bezuneh, Mesfin, Yiheyis and Zelealem, 2014) Methodology used: The methodology used in this article is clear and can be compared to the scientific way of studying a subject. The authors chose 37 different developing countries in different regions of the world. Those countries at the time were encountering the opening of their trades to the world. Then, they compared the figures of the food security (based on the per capita daily energy supply (DES)) before and after the trades opening hoping that a clear pattern and correlation would be seen amongst the results. Also, the authors used some other characteristics to see and understand which of the different factors have the most important effect on food security. Those characteristic were for instance, the political stability of the country and time’s evolution. Then they put those characteristics into figures and ratios, in a mathematical and statistical function to compare each characteristics and its effect on the food safety compared to the trades liberalization factor. Then the result and the patterns were represented into chart and table to improve the understanding of the results. As stated, the overall methodology used in this article was the scientific one following the hypothesis, research, study and finally result pattern. Results: The effects of the opening of the market were not as strong as expected. In fact, those effects were slightly positive but not as relevant as we thought. According to the authors, those positive outcomes could have been done by other thing than the trading policies which were not in the study, once those factors were controlled, the outcome came to be, in some cases, even negatives. Again, according to the authors, this result is to be considerate with caution as the factors and so on are difficult to put into figures at this wide range. But at the end of the day, this study sort out that the relationship between food safety and trades liberalization (which is the main objectives of organization such as the world trade organization) could be considerate as weak, which follows the results of previous studies (Stiglitz and Charlton, 2005). Moreover, still according to the study the relationship between the political stability and food security is even stronger. To conclude thi s study shows that the trades’ liberalization is an important factor to help those countries (through economic growth) but it is not to be used on its own. It needs to be completed by other actions and strategies in order to see a real positive outcome at the end. According to another study led by Stiglitz and Charlton in 2005 – 2006 entitle Aid for Trade, the authors, through a structured analysis admit that developed countries, when on the global market war field, benefit from advantages against the developing country. For them, in order for poor county to benefit from the opening of their market they have to benefit from advantages or ‘’aid’’ to counterbalance the equilibrium of positive outcomes for both sides. For the authors, increasing aid is vital for the poor countries if they are to grasp the opportunities provided through trade and meet transition cost (Stiglitz and Charlton, 2006). Moreover, the authors sort out that the adjustment effort in summit such as the Doha round would be too costly for the poor country due to the loss of the preferences that they are benefiting from. Again, as a conclusion, this article state that trade and aid won’t be the great solution for food and development security. It is just one of the multiple factor that can enhance the development of those countries. Both of the articles tend to state that liberalization of trades, which is encouraged by non-governmental bodies to reduce hunger in the world, might not be the solution. Counting just on this factors could arm those economies on a long run basis and worsen the issues. 2. Secondary Sources The article entitled ‘’Trade and Transnational Corporations: the Solution to World Hunger or a Major Part of the Problem?’’ , written by Peter O’Driscoll, expert in the field of developing markets, speaks about the effect of NGO’s such as the World Trade organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on food insecurity in developing countries. The organizations have as main weapon against this plague of food insecurity the liberalization of trades through opening regulations and the insertion of those countries in the global market. According to this article, effectively, during the liberalization era, the amount of international agricultural trade has increased by 800 million tons per year. Through the article, the authors state that this increase has benefited mostly to the developed country and, in the contrary, destroyed and dislocated developing countries’ agricultural industries. Moreover, the article sort out another critical point, the number of hungry persons in the world between 90 ( pre-liberalized era) and 2002 (post liberalization) has increase by a huge amount around 18 million people. In addition, subsidiaries and economic dependence have worsened the situation. While country such as India use those subsidiaries to feed its population by decreasing prices, it affect the world worldwide as other farmers around the world need to decrease their price in order to be competitive. This reduces their turnover, which can at term led to a huge crisis. De Schutter,O in his study ‘Droit à   l’alimentation : une question de qualità ©, non de quantità ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ speaks about the food fundamental right and state that the base of the problem could come from an inequality in the food distribution between the developed countries and the developing countries. To improve this situation, the author doesn’t put the liberalization of trades as the solution. In the contrary De Schutter state that the solution would be to change between a quantitative focused industries to a qualitative based one where the food question will be put as first priority and the economic aspect as the second. For him, doing that won’t reduce the turnover of organization; contrarily it will open new market and provide new opportunities for agriculture based organizations. Moreover, the writer also states that it would be more effective to concentrate resources into improving their own agriculture sector instead of increasing their dependence to the global market. According to Chris Arsenault in his article ‘’Global dependency on food imports makes countries vulnerable’’, the global prices are at their lowest level in five years. But still according to the author, due to population increment and also standards of living improvements, those low prices won’t last long. When those prices will start to go up, the developing countries which are vulnerable and dependent to the global economy will have to face a disastrous crisis. To prevent this, the authors state that government in those countries should be smart and protect their arable earth and try to reduce their dependence on food import. Finally, according to this article, the market has an important role to play but it shouldnt be the final arbiter of who gets food and where it comes from (Arsenault, 2015). The report entitled The State of Food Insecurity in the World of the FAO in 2010 shows us that some part of the non-governmental organization has already understood the importance of the qualitative point of view. In fact, the improvement of the support to livelihoods within the country could be a better solution than trades itself but an re-architecture should be apply for it to be more effective and obtain some long term benefits. This would increase the strength of the country, it development, it stability and so one but a better understanding is required. Moreover, this article do state that doing that would be benefic for the developed country, as those stable country would become interesting markets full of opportunities on the long run. 3. Etat de l’art Those works and articles present in the previous parts of this state of the art represent a brief surrounding of all the ideas and studies present nowadays in this field of study. To sum up, they all tend to say and prove in different way and through different methodology and approach, which can be scientific or not, that trades liberalization and by extension globalization couldn’t and can’t be a good response to food insecurity in poor and developing countries around the world on its own. According to some of those articles, in some cases this facilitation and liberalization could be armful for those weak and dependent economies. As we already know, the fight against food insecurity is led by some non-governmental organization such as the World Trade Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation or the World Bank. Those organization, first have their headquarters in developed country such as the United States, where trades, profits and wealth are the priorities. Secondly, they might have a wrong strategy to win this plague. Indeed, those NGOs, since the beginning of this combat, want to answer it through an economic and trade based point of view, which, for De Schutter could be qualified as the quantitatives optics (De Schutter O. 2013) through summit such as the Doha cycle and the Bali one. Concretely, they try in most of the cases to make the developing countries open its barriers and incorporate the global market. In addition, they help those countries to develop their own organization in order, at the end, to make them trade on this global market. But the problem is that, according to many studies, this strategy tends to be more profitable for the developed country (O’Driscoll P, 2014) as they are provide with new markets where competition is easy to handle. For the developing countries, the findings are more mitigated. When they try to enter this huge market, where competition is much bigger and hard, they are obliged to compete by reducing the prices and by doing that they can’t really develop themselves. Moreover, after this opening, those weak countries become highly dependent and vulnerable to the international market. Through that, when some distortions happened within the global economy through the market rules, it strikes even more those countries as their populations are more sensible to price fluctuation and also as their economy is weaker than the developed ones. For example, between 2006 and 2009 the number of undernourished people has increase due to price fluctuations (FAO, 2010) These statements should be taken with precautions. In fact, according to some other articles, the correlation between food insecurity and trades opening is not really clear and strong but this factor stays a key factor for life quality and improvement through economic growth (Stiglitz and Charlton, 2005). Moreover, trades facilitation might be a short-run solution but not a long-run one. What we have to understand is that we can’t just rely of this only factor to be able to reach the objective of 2050 which is to feed 9 billion people. Taking and understanding all those ideas we will use and go further in those study by using and applying them to the core NGOs, and see through a quantitative and qualitative research method if whether or not the existing non-governmental organization are still able to provide effective strategies and solutions to the upcoming challenges through their present point of view or if a rethinking of their entire goals and approaches is needed to provide long terms solutions. To do so, we will structure our thoughts in a specific way. Initially, we will have a deeper look at diverse other information related to the same field and problematic stated earlier to gatherer some crucial inputs. Then, we are going to have a close look to the different bodies present in the world according to the angle chosen and their different actions and outcomes. Finally, founded on the previous assumptions, we will try to sort out the opportunities of the situation and give also, if case is, some concrete solutions and strategies that might improve the present situation. References De Schutter, O. (2013). Droit à   l’alimentation : une question de qualità ©, non de quantità ©. [online] Opinion-internationale.com. Available at: http://www.opinion-internationale.com/2013/11/28/droit-a-lalimentation-une-question-de-qualite-non-de-quantite_20844.html [Accessed 2 Dec. 2014]. Arsenault, C. (2015). Global dependence on food imports leaves countries vulnerable. [online] Reuters. Available at: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/13/us-food-trade-idUSKBN0M92CG20150313 [Accessed 1 May 2015]. ODriscoll, P. (2014). World Hunger Notes Trade and Transnational Corporations: the Solution to World Hunger or a Major Part of the Problem? Peter ODriscoll. [online] Worldhunger.org. Available at: http://www.worldhunger.org/articles/05/global/odriscoll.htm [Accessed 1 May 2015]. Stiglitz, J. and Charlton, A. (2006). Aid for Trade. 1st ed. Commonwealth Secretariat. FAO, (2015). The State of Food Insecurity in the World. 1st ed. FAO. Shah, A. (2015). Foreign Aid for Development Assistance — Global Issues. [online] Globalissues.org. Available at: http://www.globalissues.org/article/35/foreign-aid-development-assistance [Accessed 1 May 2015]. Kumar, R. and Nair, S. (2009). INDIA: STRATEGIES AT THE DOHA DEVELOPMENT AGENDA- JULY AND BEYOND. Geneva, p.4. lOMC, (2013). OMC | Nouvelles 2013 Jours 3, 4 et 5: Un â€Å"Paquet de Bali† voit le jour à   l’issue de consultations-marathon. [online] Wto.org. Available at: https://www.wto.org/french/news_f/news13_f/mc9sum_07dec13_f.htm [Accessed 4 Mar. 2015]. Cho, S. (2006). The WTO Doha Round Negotiation: Suspended Indefinitely | ASIL. [online] Asil.org. Available at: http://www.asil.org/insights/volume/10/issue/22/wto-doha-round-negotiation-suspended-indefinitely [Accessed 2 Mar. 2015]. FAO, (2009). FAO Nouvelles: 2050: 2,3 millliards de bouches de plus à   nourrir. [online] Fao.org. Available at: http://www.fao.org/news/story/fr/item/35656/icode/ [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015].

Monday, January 20, 2020

Prices and Money Supply :: essays papers

Prices and Money Supply Prices, money, knowledge, and technology may not seem that they should be together, but all of the terms connect in one category. Money is a big issue when talking about prices in the past and present. Knowledge and technology are important, too. Charts and graphs comparing prices of food and other items can be astonishing at what it brings forth. In 1915, the price of bread was at seven cents. Right now, if you go to your local grocery store, you can find a loaf of bread for about a dollar. That is most likely the lowest price available for a loaf of bread. The price has doubled fourteen times or has increased by 1328 percent- startling. The percent change in wages is not even close to the percent change of prices on foods. The minimum wage in 1938 was twenty-five cents; today the minimum wage is at $5.15. The percent increase is exactly 1960 percent. There is a 500 percent difference in prices than wages. This means you can buy more items with the same amount of money today, than you could before. In 1910, the money supply was at 3,148,000,000; in 1994, it was at 371,466,000,000. The percent increase is approximately 11700 percent. As you can see, the percent increase of the money supply is greater than the percent increase of prices, 10372 percent larger. This is where knowledge and technology come in to play. Technology has increased greatly, therefore letting producing become more competent. Technology would not be possible without having knowledge which makes technology expand, helping companies all over the world. For example, the assembly line has lowered car prices greatly. It cuts the hours of making a car. Robots have been replacing humans throughout the world. The reason for replacing humans with robots is that robots do not work for money; they are programmed to run. This is only one of the many examples of technology and knowledge used wisely. If knowledge and technology had not occurred, prices on all sorts of items would be multiplied. The example of the assembly line is perfect for explaining this concept. Let’s say robots were never made and humans are put in the robots position.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Ethnic studies Essay

â€Å"The students, united, will never be defeated! â€Å". This was the rallying call of students at San Francisco State University trying to save their Asian America Studies classes in 2008. 40 years after the first Third World Liberation Front protested and fought against discrimination and for their rights to have ethnic studies classes, the fight still continues. Students fought to have classes from the perspective of ethnic peoples, and not the Eurocentric point of view. In doing so, the struggle for ethnic studies from students and the community challenged and broke the status quo and construct of â€Å"race† in a Eurocentric America. Ethnic studies in the U. S. campuses started in the 60’s along with the Civil Rights Movement, opposition against the Vietnam War, the fight for women’s rights, and many other fights by the people for their rights. In March of 1968, The SFSU Third World Liberation Front was created by students of different ethnicities coming together. This was the longest strike in student history, and resulted in the creation of ethnic studies at SFSU, as well as increased admissions for students of colors to the university. The second longest strike occurred in UC Berkeley, with the strike more violent than the first. The clenched fist was the symbol for the strike, equality, power, unity, and change for the minority groups in America. Over the years, there have been many strikes and protest from students to have ethnic studies. California was a hotbed for the struggle of ethnic studies because it has the most immigrant and ethnic groups in the United States. It was a melting pot of African Americans, Asians, American Indians, Latinos, and so on. It was really only a matter of time before they stood up against discrimination. â€Å"When people of color got up in unity and went on strike, it scared them. † Them referring to the white political leaders of the schools. The first to stand up to discrimination is usually those that are educated and realize they can make a change through their actions. Students of ethnic background fought for social justice not only for themselves, but for a larger picture going back to their communities. Ethnic students are representatives to their families and communities. Many of these ethnic students were the first to attend college because their parents or families came to America in search for a better life and an opportunity for their children at an education. As these strikes were occurring, the community came to support them. Not only the communities of ethnic students, but white supporters as well. Supporters that understood the struggle of the ethnic groups, and came together to fight together. â€Å"Quite a few white students had come to the point of understanding, what our cause was, what it meant, and that we did not want to take over the university, take over the country, we wanted ends†. When we think third world we think of people that are improvised, poor, and lacking education. These third world people a Though they weren’t really â€Å"third world† students, inadequate access to classes that represented their ethnic background meant they had no way to really learn the struggle of ethnics people that came before them. Luis Alarcon made a point that he considered UC Berkeley his university, but the president of Berkeley disagreed and said the university was for â€Å"the people of California†. Although Luis is a person of California, the president did not consider the university for him. As a race of minorities, they were trying to free themselves from being â€Å"third world† citizens in the United States. â€Å"What we got from this agreement were things that we as third world peoples deserved, and we as students, and we as citizens of this country deserved†. But is there a scientific claim that makes certain people â€Å"third world†, or is it a political agenda to people ethnic people third world citizens? Ethnic people living in the United States in the were often discriminated against. As Laureen Chew said,† of course I blamed it all on ourselves and our family for being born Chinese, etc†. They blamed their race, instead of finding a fault in society for making them an inferior race that were mistreated unfairly. Even today, although racism is not as obvious, it is still alive and in place. â€Å"Color-blind racism serves as the ideological armor for a convert and institutionalized system in the post-Civil Rights era†. Minorities can be discriminated against their morals, values, and character without whites sounding racist. But is being color-blind discriminating as well? By not seeing color, one fails to recognize that we still haven’t reached a level where we only judge from character, and not the color of our skin. It’s apparent we today, have not reached that goal yet. Tom Horne Arizona superintendent of public instruction believes in cutting off ethnic studies classes because it will divide kids up and only teach them narrowly about the race they were born into. Ethnic studies is for the empowerment of not only ethnic students, but for all students who want to learn about the history of different peoples. It wasn’t so long ago when minorities were second citizens in the United States. Many were segregated against, beaten, killed, and uneducated. But what were the terms that classified certain peoples as a different race from whites? â€Å"Race is a concept with signifies and symbolizes social conflicts and interests by referring to different types of human bodies†. So because people of different ethnicities have different bodies, specifically skin color they were disadvantaged in comparison to white Americans. â€Å"The word ‘domination’ reminds us that the institutional racism is a type of power that encompasses the symbolic power to classify one group of people as ‘normal’ and other groups of people as ‘abnormal’, the political power to withhold basic rights from people of color and marshal the full power of the state to enforce segregation and in equality. To break this institution, learning ethnic studies brings out the truth of this country, which in turn brings out the greatness of the United States. Ethnic studies allows us to think critically about our relationship in terms of our relationship this country and our backgrounds. It gives us a basis to deal with historic racial issues such as the Zimmerman trial. â€Å"Ethnic studies departments in the CSU are at the forefront in leading students to balanced, critical, and open discussions of racial and ethnic matters that, unfortunately, have yet to be resolved in the US†. It’s important to have a format in educating students so that we may form our own educated opinions and learn facts on the history of our ethnicities. People gave up their bodies for their right to have ethnic studies. â€Å"I wanted to give you a poem, but I give you my body instead†. As she finished her speech, her fellow supporters agreed with her with loud applause. She was only one of many proponents in decades of struggle by students to fight for their ethnic studies departments. The protesting for ethnic studies was intertwined with the opposition against the war, civil rights, and other social issues going on at the time. In 1999 the issue was California becoming increasingly wary against immigrants, using them as a scapegoat for the economy failing. Protesting at Berkeley meant defending affirmative action, defending the rights of immigrants†. The protesting in SFSU was the longest lasting student protest. Their cries for â€Å"we want the puppet! † meant they wanted to discuss ethnic studies with S. I. Hayakawa who did not rally with the students even though he was Asian American. These students were subject to police violence, who went into the cafeterias to harass and attack the students. At Valley State University, Latino students with the black students protested in order to have more representation in and open up classes for Chicano studies and Black studies. So what role does race really play in all of this? We know that even if it’s not about race, it’s always about race. You can say that the student protests were all about race. When you ask people about which â€Å"race† they are, one normally gets a response like, asian, black, white, or so on. The two schools of thought, Primordialism and Instrumentalism, are opposing forces in which the former believes that â€Å"races existed, that races are biologically determined and distinct from one another. † The latter believes â€Å"race as a man-made, human created reality. It is an instrument that was constructed sociohistorically in order to allocate resources†. An outcome of the struggle for ethnic studies is that it challenged what the racial norm really was. By fighting for their rights, the protestors inadvertently chipped away at what really defines race; â€Å"a racist invention† to divide and allocate resources’. But can we really ignore that our race has nothing to do with our genetic makeup and the way we look? Discriminatory and prejudiced behavior towards minorities was the cause of the student unrest, as well as gaining support from non-ethnical students and community. Jesus Rodriguez realized â€Å"people can be so quick to attach certain characteristics to a person’s race†. The characteristics we attach to minorities are they’re lazy, they don’t want to leave the bottom, they’re slow learners, etc. With this in mind, white people in power discriminated these minorities, saying they don’t belong in their universities. Many white people believed in the status quo or race at the time and opposed the ethnic protestors. But what about everyone else that eventually sided with the protestors? Especially during the 60’s and 70’s, people began to fight for each other’s rights. The division between races between people were lessening, and the thought of a human race were expanding. They fought for their own rights and they fought for each other’s rights, because they realized all minorities at the time were going through the same struggle. † I believe that it is important for every American to know their history, even if it has nothing to do with their color or ethnicity: since events such as the Third World Strike influenced some of your fellow Americans, these same events indirectly influenced you as well†. Where would we be without ethnic studies today? Without the efforts and sacrifices of those student protesters, someone like me might not even appreciate and understand the struggle that so many went through. We stand on the shoulders of those who dared to challenge injustice and discrimination, and broke the barriers of race and racial equality. Leon, Teresa W. History of AAS at CSUN. N. p. , 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Shiekh, Irum. â€Å"On Strike: Ethnic Studies – Progressive Films. † Progressive Films. Progressive Films, n. d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Ethnic Studies Ban Racist? † YouTube. YouTube, 13 May 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. â€Å"CSUN Student Political Activism 1960’s/70s â€Å"The Storm at Valley State†Ã¢â‚¬  YouTube. YouTube, 27 Jan. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. Racism without Racists: Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America. 3rd ed. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010. Print. â€Å"SF State Third World Student Strike. † YouTube. YouTube, 22 June 2007. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Save Our AAS. † YouTube. YouTube, 09 Nov. 2008. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Leon-WIlliams, Teresa. â€Å"Lecture Notes on â€Å"The Historical Origins of Race†Ã¢â‚¬  CSU Northridge: Login to the Site. N. p. , 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Student Unrest at SF State College and S. I. Hayakawa. † YouTube. YouTube, 19 Apr. 2008. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Leon-WIlliams, Teresa. â€Å"How the Blind Perceive â€Å"race†. . . † CSU Northridge: Login to the Site. N. p. , 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Rodriguez, Jesus. â€Å"Re: Race & the Working Field. † Weblog comment. N. p. , 8 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. Leon-WIlliams, Teresa. â€Å"Prejudice & Discrimination. † Moodle, 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 12 Oct. 2013.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan - 1681 Words

There are many risks for a company in the legal realm and it is important for them to minimize their tort and regulatory risks. A company should have a risk plan in place that can help them succeed. This plan can be a continuously changing plan depending on needed improvements on the plan. A risk plan can be developed easily when you look at the Alumina Inc. case as an example. A company such as Alumina can manage their risks through three basic measures which are preventative, detective, and corrective. Preventative measures are the easiest for a company to control and change. These can include anything from the company’s internal laws to the education of these laws. Freedom of speech is a civil right given to people and in cases†¦show more content†¦It is also hard for Kelly to prove that if in deed the water from Lake Dira caused the leukemia and that Alumina was the sole contributor. The â€Å"Scientific Society Report† showed an increase in automotive acti vity around Lake Dira (Cheeseman 2010). Corrective measures are extremely important in a case such as this and can help solve the case in a reasonable fashion. This can save a lot of resources, money, and heart ache for both the company and someone like Kelly Bates. The best way to solve this is by Alumina having an ADR clause created as part of their preventative measures. They can use some sort of arbitration or mediator to help solve the problem as well. A company also needs to solve issues and address them when they come up. It is not good for a company to ignore issues like these when they arise. When addressing these issues proper documentation is vital for future litigation. By doing this it can prevent any further problems that can arise from the same case in the future and prevent the company from being charged with Liability Without Fault-Strict Liability(Cheeseman 2010).. Litigation can be a very costly process for a company and could even serve as a main component in the m closing their doors. If a company takes all issues as serious and as honest as possible they can survive most issues that arise. They also need to learn from examples such asShow MoreRelatedRecognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan1432 Words   |  6 PagesRecognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan Business Law LAW531 June 14, 2010 Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan Organizations in today’s business world must deal with regulatory risks such as tort liability daily. Proper management and preventative measures can reduce a business’s tort liability and remains the key to a successful business. Federal and state laws and regulations are enforcing severe fines and penalties for damages. Failure to complyRead MoreTort Regulatory Risk1109 Words   |  5 Pagesrealized that the company needed to come up with a plan to manage torts and regulatory risks. Common business torts include intentional torts, unintentional torts (negligence) and strict liability. Intentional torts refer to actions that are taken with the intent to cause injury to the plaintiff. Unintentional torts, or negligence, refer to actions that are not taken to directly harm someone but where harm is a foreseeable consequence. The third type of tort is strict liability which means liability withoutRead MoreAlumina Inc: Minimizing Tort Liability Arising Out of Regulatory Risks1338 Words   |  6 Pages Regulatory risks are risks associated with the failure to comply with a whole host of governmental regulations. Such risks impact a company’s existing assets, earnings, and often, reputation. In the context of tort liability arising out of non-compliance of government regulations, it is in every company’s business interest to allocate resources to identify those risks, and to implement action plans to avoid such risks. In the event those risks d o materialize, the company needs to have systemRead MoreAnalysis Of The Health Care Industry1088 Words   |  5 Pagesestablished to regulate risks to health and personal safety. (OSHA) is one such agency was established to cover all workforce industries, including health services and insurance. The regulatory authority of OSHA is ranged to cover many types of occupational hazards and hazard communication. OSHA procedures are intended to be carried out quickly and decisively in order to ensure and maintain the safest possible working environment and to expose and halt any activities which cause risk. OSHA establishedRead MoreLaw 531 Week 2954 Words   |  4 PagesQuiana Fryar University of Phoenix Business Law/531 Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan Mrs. Lillian Watson June 14, 2010 Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan In today’s business environment it is important for all organizations to develop and maintain a plan to avoid regulatory risks. Management should be able to manage any risks through preventive, detective, and corrective measures. As a manager it is important to prevent extensive loss, environmentalRead MoreBusiness Torts Wk 22121 Words   |  9 PagesBusiness Torts Pearl leos University of Phoenix Buisness Law/ 531 Kelly Dickson June 10, 2010 Proposed actions a company  may take to avoid tort liability and litigation are vital to organizations. Proposed actions a company  may take to avoid product liability risk may be a way out of liability issues. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is the best way to beat business torts. an integral aspect of a business liability practiceRead MoreEnterprise Risk Management1504 Words   |  7 PagesEnterprise Risk Management The Non-Linear Pro salesman told the manager of Quick Takes Video that the editing system leased would allow the employees to edit material twice as fast after only a day and a half of set up and training. After all employees received the one-day training course, completed the video tutorial, and read the manual, problems with the equipment stopped production of a Quick Takes Video project. During an attempt to insert a CD, an employee cut her finger on a sharp edgeRead MoreEvent Medical Staff Training Summary1073 Words   |  5 Pageshealth. The CDC is currently working closely with national, local and international health organizations, including the World Health Organization, to control the transmission of the Ebola virus. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the federal regulatory agency responsible for controlling the safety and effectiveness of the country’s drug supply of both humans and animals. The FDA regulates food safety, cosmetics, feed supply for animals, dietary supplements and biologics as well as the nationalRead MoreBusiness Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper1738 Words   |  7 Pageshypothetical businesses as well as legal, regulatory, and risk issues each of the two businesses may face. Also included in this paper is a hypothetical hiring manager scenario in which the hiring manager must choose from numerous applicants who possess various levels of qualification, experience, and education. An applicant must be chosen from the pool of applicants based on the advertisement placed for a jackhammer operator and any legal or regulatory issues to be considered for each applicantRead MoreThe Seven-Step Process of Environmental Risk Management with Negligence1249 Words   |  5 PagesThe Seven-Step Process of Environmental Risk Management with Negligence In reviewing the simulation one major tort violation identified was the claim of negligence by Alumina, Inc. As with any successful negligence case there are primary elements, which include proof that: 1) there was wrongdoing on the part of the defendant, or 2) the defendant failed to take reasonable steps to prevent harm to others (Thompson, p. 31). Like other environmental tort cases, EPA violations or state issued permits